Group Size

2 members



ESP8266 Huzzah



Proximity sensor, load cell, input from app



Display, NeoPixel strip


Idea Iteration/Design Duration

1.5 weeks


Creation Time

2 weeks (including PCB turnaround)



The Candy Jar was a quick project with the goal of creating a smart product-prototype that would help prevent binges of my favorite food (notice a pattern with the food-related projects?). Completed with a friend, my main job was to design and create the layout of the electronics, eventually translating that into a PCB that could be manufactured. Additionally, I was in charge of creating the 3D printed cover for the prototype and make sure the load cell would behave properly.


The Candy Jar was paired with a companion app that would allow the user to select a food that was inside the jar. The jar, connected to a WiFi network, would update once a new food was selected and collect actual nutritional data about the candy. As a user took more food out of the jar, the display on the front of the jar would update to show the estimated caloric intake of the candy that the user had taken. Additionally, lights in the housing would provide quick feedback through the course of the day, adjusting from green to red as more candy was consumed. A proximity sensor on the front of the jar would sense when the user was near and show the information only when necessary to conserve power.